3.2 Permissions

You can allow or disallow the use of plugin commands and functions with permission nodes.

Permissões de jogadores:

ltitemmail.player.all: Allows all permission nodes below. (Allowed for players by default)

ltitemmail.player: Allows to execute /ltitemmail help.

ltitemmail.player.version: Allows to execute /ltitemmail version.

ltitemmail.player.list: Allows to execute /ltitemmail list.

ltitemmail.player.color: Allows to execute /ltitemmail color.

ltitemmail.player.open: Allows to execute /ltitemmail open.

ltitemmail.player.price: Allows to execute /ltitemmail price.

ltitemmail.player.delete: Allows to execute /ltitemmail delete.

ltitemmail.player.send: Allows to execute /mailitem.

ltitemmail.player.info: Allows to execute /ltitemmail info.

ltitemmail.player.notify: Allows the server to notify players if there is new mail upon login.

ltitemmail.block.place: Allows to place mailbox blocks.

ltitemmail.block.break: Allows to break mailbox blocks.

Note: Allows the player to break only their own mailbox blocks. Other players' blocks will not be affected by this permission.

ltitemmail.block.use: Allows to interact with a mailbox block.

Permissões de operadores:

ltitemmail.admin.all: Allows all permission nodes below. (Allowed for server operators by default)

ltitemmail.admin: Allows to execute /ltitemmailadmin help.

ltitemmail.admin.update: Allows to execute /ltitemmailadmin update.

ltitemmail.admin.list: Allows to execute /ltitemmailadmin list.

ltitemmail.admin.recover: Allows to execute /ltitemmailadmin recover.

ltitemmail.admin.reload: Allows to execute /ltitemmailadmin reload.

ltitemmail.admin.notify: Allows the server to notify operators if there is new updates upon login.

ltitemmail.admin.ban: Allows to execute/ltitemmailadmin ban.

ltitemmail.admin.unban: Allows to execute /ltitemmailadmin unban.

ltitemmail.admin.banlist: Allows to execute /ltitemmailadmin banlist.

ltitemmail.admin.info: Allows to execute /ltitemmailadmin info.

ltitemmail.block.break-bypass: Allows to bypass and break every mailbox block.

Warning: With this permission, any mailbox block can be broken, whether it is owned by the operator or not.

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