3.1 Commands
Check the Permissions section to allow/deny commands.
Commands for players:
/ltitemmail help
: Shows all available commands and a short description of each one.
/ltitemmail version
: Shows the current plugin version.
/ltitemmail list
: Shows all received mails. Refused, empty or manually deleted mails will not be displayed.
/ltitemmail open <id>
: Opens a mail from your mail list. Refused, empty or manually deleted mails cannot be opened.
/ltitemmail delete <id>
: Manually deletes a mail.
Warning: There is not delete confirmation. Executing the command will instantly delete the mail.
/ltitemmail price
: Shows the current mail price, charged per box or quantity of items.
/ltitemmail info
: Shows a few relevant informations as sent and received mail counts, registry date and ban status.
/ltitemmail color <color>
: Changes the color of the mailbox block. You must be holding the mailbox block in your main hand to execute the command.
/mailitem <player> [label]
: Opens a new mail inventory to send items to the specified player, and you can optionally specify a label/message.
The commands can be shortened:
e /imail
: Can be used instead of /itemmail
e /enviaritem
: Can be used instead of /mailitem
Commands for server operators:
/itemmailadmin help
: Shows all available commands and a short description of each one.
/itemmailadmin update
: Checks for new updates.
/itemmailadmin list <player>
: Shows a list of deleted mails from a specific player.
/itemmailadmin recover <id>
: Recovers a manually deleted mail.
Advice: When recovering a mail, it becomes available to be reopened by the player using /itemmail open (if there is items inside).
When executing this command, you have two options:
Do not modify the contents and just close the mail inventory, allowing the owner to open it again and retrieve the items;
Empty the mail inventory before closing, permanently deleting the mail (it will not be possible to recover it again with the command
/itemmailadmin recover
/itemmailadmin reload
: Reloads the plugin configuration and the current translation file. Changes to these files will take effect after the command is executed.
Note: You will not be able to reload plugin integrations with this command. To do that, restart the server!
/itemmailadmin ban <player>
: Bans the specified player to prevent them from sending mail.
/itemmailadmin unban <player>
: Unban the specified player.
/itemmailadmin banlist
: Shows the list of currently banned players.
/itemmailadmin info <player>
: Displays mail sending and receiving information and the ban status of the specified player.
The command can be shortened:
and /imadmin
: Can be used instead of /itemmailadmin
Last updated